Have you already seen the typical tourist attractions and are looking for something else? If you’re seeking an afternoon away from the crowded touristy areas, the trendy and edgy Nørrebro neighbourhood around Jægersborggade might be just right for your group.
Helle Rosborg from BDP Cruise is particularly fond of the area because:
“It’s so cool – small designer shops and coffee shops, restaurants and a few little factories making all kinds of sweets. It’s so nice there. The streets Elmegade and Birkegade close by are also great for shopping clothes, shoes and furniture.”
The neighbourhood aims to inspire and surprise with its 40 speciality shops. BDP can plan a visit for your group at Karamelleriet to experience the old-fashioned production of handmade caramels, or, for a more hands-on experience, we will organize a visit to RO Chokolade, where your group can make their own traditional, Danish ‘Flødeboller’ at the chocolate factory. We will have to warn you, though; RO Chokolade’s lime ganache and apple-cinnamon marzipan are addictive.
To arrange your group’s visit to Jægersborggade and the surrounding area, please call Ebbe Kiær on +45 33 45 45 11 or contact him by e-mail at: ek@bdp.dk.
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