BDP Congress har indgået aftale med Danske Videnskabsjournalister om planlægning og afvikling af European Conference of Science Journalists, 26.-30. juni 2017 (ECSJ 2017), som afvikles i TV-Byen og IT-Universitetet i København. Der forventes mellem 800-1.000 fra Europas førende medier samt videnskabsjournalister fra hele verden vil deltage i konferencen, der også vil inddrage en lange række øvrige danske og internationale interessenter, herunder universiteter. ECSJ 2017 støttes af en lang række fonde blandt andre Novo Nordisk Fonden. BDP skal bidrage med rådgivning, projektledelse, deltagerregistrering samt administration af det faglige program.
BDP Congress has agreed with the Danish Science Journalists Association on the planning and execution of the European Conference of Science Journalists (ECSJ 2017), that will be held 26th-30th June 2017 at TV-Byen and the IT University in Copenhagen. It is expected that 800-1,000 participants from Europe’s leading media as well as science journalists from around the world will attend the conference, which will also involve a whole range of other Danish and international stakeholders, including universities. ECSJ 2017 is supported by a wide range of funds, among others, the Novo Nordisk Foundation. BDP should help with advice, project management, participant registration and administration of the academic program.